If you are not completely satisfied with your manuals purchased from ManualsKart.com, we are here to help you.
Here's how our refund policy works:
Contact Us: If you are not happy with your manual for any reason, just email us at manualskart@gmail.com. Please add the reason for what's going wrong with your manual and which problem you are facing. We genuinely want to help you.
Within 30 Days: You have up to 30 days from the date of purchase to request a refund. We want to give you 30 days of time to make sure you are satisfied with your manual.
Refund Process: If we have received your refund request, we will process it as soon as possible. You will see the refund reflected in your account within a few business days.
Keep in Touch: Even if you've gotten a refund, we are still here for you to help.
Our Promise to You: We are here to make sure you are happy with your experience at ManualsKart.com, whether that means finding the right manual or issuing a refund. Your satisfaction is important to us.
Thank you for choosing ManualsKart.com for all your manual needs. We appreciate your trust and support.
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